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"Outlanders" first published in The Fourth River


"Alaap" first published in Wild Musette


"A Thread" first published in Leave Them Something (an Indiana Writers Center anthology)

"A Thread"

"The Ancient Dance: A Ghazal" first published in Every Day Poems;  subsequently published in How to Write a Form Poem

"The Ancient Dance: A Ghazal"

"Lucky" first published in Jaggery


"Projection" first published in The Offbeat


"Playing in the Palloo" first published in Crosswinds Literary Journal

"Playing in the Palloo"

"Licking the Page" first published in Defenestration

"Licking the Page"

"Defy" first published in The World We Live(d) In


"Iphigenia" first published in The Indianapolis Review


"Gathering" first published in Branches


"Rupture" first published in Hoosier Lit


"Tender: a Haiku" first published in 50 Haikus Issue #15, Prolific Press

"Tender: a Haiku"

"Namaste" first published in Here Comes Everyone


"Judgment" first published in Flying Island


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